The history of our NPO
Why have many problems threatening food safety been occurring one after another?
Food poisoning by enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, foot and mouth disease/chicken influenza, issues about radioactive contamination of food resulted from nuclear accidents and others…
Are they due to “unexpected” natural treats beyond control by human beings, or due to the market giving priority to economy? Unfortunately, we couldn’t remove natural treats nor the market seeking profits from the face of the earth.
It can be said that, for human-beings, obtaining safe food and drink necessary to sustain their life in adapting to a new environment is one of everlasting challenges. In order to achieve its resolution, we need risk managements that can handle potential threats to food safety and security “within the scope of the assumption”
Amid social requirement of such scientific knowledge about food safety and security, Research Center for Food Safety ( was established in Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, in 2006. And then, Food Science Building was constructed in 2010, and a symposium commemorating the completion of construction was convened in December of the same year.
The acceleration of researches on food safety and security led to a growing need for an NPO that promotes academic researches and scientific enlightenments on food safety and security in collaboration among research institutions, private companies, local governments, and general citizens including consumers, and so Specified Non-Profit Organization “Science of Food Safety and Security (SFSS)” was, after obtaining an official approval from Cabinet Office (currently, under the jurisdiction of Tokyo prefecture), established in February of 2011.
We are endeavoring to learn the past and present of food safety and security, continue eager discussion about the feature of food safety and security including crisis management and/or risk communication, promote researches, and provide scientifically correct information.
Our History and Achievements:
Several symposiums and seminars were held from 2011 to 2018.